Sunday, May 29, 2011


Well it's apparently too early for my computer to upload pictures so we just won't have any today.  Sorry.  they weren't really going to have anything to do with the words anyway, so we'll just go with it.

It's not really even that early any more.  I woke up at 5:45 today, and, once I got over my disappointment at not sleeping in, I remembered something:  back in another lifetime, way back before kids and husband and other people's schedules, I was a Morning Person.  Working as a baker required me to be up, dressed, fed, sensible, and in the kitchen by 6 at the very latest.  Often I would schedule myself for a nice run or bike ride before work, too.

But that was a long time ago.  These days, if I can pry myself out of bed before the kids burst forth from their room on the stroke of 7:00 I 'm doing good.  But all just worked.  The sun has come out again after a week of cloudiness, and I decided to try to walk this baby out.  That didn't last very long--despite being the end of May, the ground this morning was covered with a thin layer of frost and I found that I was not dressed at all appropriately.  While it did last, however, it was lovely.  Maybe it's just my imagination, but colors seem crsiper and smells more distinct first thing in the morning.  There are so many shades of green right now and I love being able to actually distinguish between the smell of the fields and the trees (and without the odor of the industrial chicken barns  which don't seem to come into their own until later in the day).  No mosquitoes.  No chattering girls.  Just glorious peace and calm and bright cold air. 

But, recall, it was freezing, and so here we are rambling about it over a very strong cup of raspberry leaf tea.  It really is time to get this baby out--an event which I have no doubt will bring many more bright early mornings with it.  I just need to remember that I love them...

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